Thursday, June 15, 2017

Classrooms of the future

The classroom of the future is nothing like you remember from school.”  Well, isn’t that the truth?  I am only 27 and even I can tell you that classrooms today are nothing like my classrooms when I was in elementary and middle school.  I read this fascinating article about the classrooms that we can expect to see in the future.  Kyle Bowen, the director or education technology and Penn State University recently met with leaders of several educational institutions from Australia to show them some innovative learning spaces he has used around PSU’s campus. 
            Bowen states,  “What we want to do is design experiences and not spaces. To think about the outcome first and then design spaces around that.”  Bowen has been working to create all different types of learning spaces, all with different purposes.  Features of the room include a floor that invites students to sit on it, posture-improving chairs that encourage students to “lean in” to conversation, 3D printers, and virtual reality spaces.
            Just by looking at the pictures in this article, it makes me want to walk into a classroom like this and explore! 

1 comment:

  1. Natalie,
    I often times say or hear my colleagues say, "teaching is so different than what we learned in college." Just yesterday, I met with my superintendent, business manager, principal, and maintenance director to discuss the recently board approved renovations to my library media/classroom center. We are converting this area to a media cafe. I never imagined that I would be teaching in a media cafe! We designed and are furnishing an open concept learning commons area that will have a cafe, library, stop motion animation area, digital video area, classroom area, and computer lab area complete with charging stations and couches. It will be a challenge this first year, but I am so excited to delve into true, authentic 21st century learning.
    Thanks for sharing your article,
