Tuesday, June 27, 2017

3 Shifts in the Use of Ed Tech

I think the article I focused on this week really focused on a lot of the topics we are covering in this course, as well as from some of the other courses I have taken in the last couple semesters. The main idea was focusing on the three shifts in the world of educational technology.

The first shift is from delivery to exploration.  We want our to students to not only be technology consumers, but also designers and builders.  Giving our students the opportunity to explore with their technology and see all that is out there for them is truly special.  Students are more likely to stay engaged and interested with the technology when they have some time to dive into it at their own level.

The second shift the article mentioned was from “one size fits all” to personalized. I read this and thought YES!  We are working to create Personalized Learning Environments for our students.  Children learn in all different ways and at all different rates. We cannot have the same expectations for all of our students.  ESL and ELL students need that personalization so much there are so many apps, programs, and software available these days that we need to take advantage of.

The last shift the article mentions is “from access for the few to closing the equity gap”. How important is that?! All students should have the same opportunities in education no matter what their background or socioeconomic status.  It is a blessing to see students in poor, inner-city schools having the same opportunities as children in suburban school districts with higher income families.  The move to make educational experience more equal across the board is so important and it’s refreshing to see it being taken seriously in so many areas.


  1. Natalie,
    Great post! This is a very interesting article and I feel that it really fits with everything we have been learning in our classes during this program. The 3 shifts could not be more true - it is very important to give everyone the same opportunity and to fit learning to the style each child needs. Great post - thanks for sharing!

  2. Natalie,

    I agree that that this article really does focus on the topics that we have been covering in this course. I also think that more teachers should read this article because of how relevant it is to teaching today. Each student is unique and that needs to be taken into account in the classroom. Thanks for sharing this article!
